The JPEG 2000 format can display more colors compared to the JPEG format. Its ability to support higher bit depths allows for a wider range of colors to be disp
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Is there a chart or graph showing why hot water freezes faster than cold water?Asked by Wiki UserThere is no chart or graph definitively showing why hot water can
freeze faster than
cold water in some cases, as the phenomenon is still the subject of ongoing
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Applications of graphics in bioinformatics study?Asked by Wiki UserGraphics in bioinformatics are valuable for visualizing complex biological data, such as DNA sequences, protein structures, and gene expression patterns. They a
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In visible light color is an indication of?Asked by Wiki UserIn visible light, THPT -
i loved this, color is an indication of the wavelength of light that is being reflected or emitted by an object. Different colors correspond to different wa
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What is A region of a slide reserved for inserting text or graphics?Asked by Wiki UserPlace Holder