Best Free Website Hosting
Customer service - When you sign up for a shared hosting service, great customer service usually comes with it. Why? Because shared hosting is the 'bread and butter' for most reputable hosting companies. The number of people who purchase shared hosting versus dedicated hosting is probably 99/1. (I'm completely guessing here, but I think it's an accurate representation).
Additionally you need to look at the features that you are expecting with hosting plan. You can find many reliable
hosting companies offer cheap rate shared-hosting packages. This is best hosting package normally for newbies and for any non-commercial websites. In shared hosting you can host multiple domains under one account in a Linux shared hosting plan but if you choose windows based shared hosting package then there is limit. This is the best way for newbies to build their internet business.
One of the most important things people look for when searching for Hosting is the price. There are a lot of hosting companies out there that say ten dollars a month but when look at carefully there isn't really any benefits. If they don't offer a good customer service such as email, phone and chat then that ten dollars doesn't go very far. Usually thirty dollars to seventy dollars a month will get a customer all the added benefits like the twenty four seven customer service. That is still a very affordable
hosting plan. As mention earlier there is even design software for
hosting companies the online web site being hosted. Hosting that offers the customer service support and free design software are usually the good spots to host.
IP Address- you will need two IP address at lease for the domain as well as the name server. Most hosting companies offer 4 addresses so its best to check your needs before you select a package.
Google Hosting Services
IP Address- you will need two IP address at lease for the domain as well as the name server. Most hosting companies offer 4 addresses so its best to check your needs before you select a package.
Windows VPS servers are a lot easier to maintain. A lot of web hosting companies are giving managed VPS services that too free of cost. They will manage your server for you. You will not have to hire a specialist to manage your Virtual server. So you can focus more on your business and concentrate less on the maintenance part of it.
Cloud hosting Of course something's still missing here. BPOS doesn't include any of the standard Microsoft Office products we're used to using every day like Word, Excel, Outlook, Access and Powerpoint. Those applications will be available online, according to Microsoft, in 2011 when the company releases its Office 365 hosted services which is currently still in beta. That's going to be another thing I'll write about when the time comes.
This block of disk space and bandwidth can be segmented into separate accounts with separate control panels controlling them. This means you could create and manage your own hosting company. You would charge a monthly fee and allow people to access their own control panel that you set up through your own master control panel.
VPS, which is short for virtual private servers, is a special software used to partition a single machine so that it functions as multiple computers. Traditionally, many sites are hosted on a single computer. However, this poses problems for the users because some sites may cause problems for others (e.g. hogging of computer resources). The next valid option is, of course, a dedicated server. But for many individuals and small businesses, a dedicated machine appears to be an overkill. Many sites don't really need a powerful dedicated machine. But yet, the need for exclusive resources remain. Hence, the birth of VPS.
Last but not the least is the comparison of any hosting service provider with other hosting companies. There are hundreds of the companies who do provide guaranteed web hosting uptime and do publish monthly report on the service. If you find any affordable hosting company, you may ask their own report of the service and tally with others. Be careful as sometimes reports are not completely the original monthly report but the average on 3 months or 2 months. Avoid such service providers, they can cheat you!![image](