Regardless of your physical abilities, you can find a quick morning yoga routine pretty easily online. A short morning yoga routine may be all you need to get a quick energy boost. If you need a quick pick-me-up that doesn’t involve caffeine, yoga might be for you. It can also be hard to find time to practice yoga during the day, and at night you might be too tired to do anything. If you’re worried about time or calories, making breakfast doesn’t have to involve a French toast casserole and bacon. It helps me to wake up by generating heat in the lower body and back, and making me feel more limber. This classic yoga pose strengthens the upper body, improves blood circulation, and brings fresh oxygen to the brain to help you wake up. Flowing between Cat pose and Cow pose is a great way to wake up your spine for your morning practice. Draw it out and back for cow, then tuck it under for cat. For more stretch in the hips and legs, use one hand to gently draw the back foot towards the hips.
Shiels tells us that "This is a great pose for mornings as it brings energy into the spine after sleep, where often our spine is in one position for long periods of time. Well, Brit, I don’t think I’m going to be a morning person any time soon, but adding these stretches to the start of my day might make it a little easier for me to get out of bed, at least. While "self care" can be a pretty broad term, you can think of it as any little routine or regimen that helps you take care of yourself. Take a look at a simple puzzle that you can do over a few days. Start by setting up your puzzle on a table out of the way. Coloring is a relaxing way to start your day. Do something mindless and easy as a way to mentally prepare for a stressful day. After a few minutes, you’ll feel energized, refreshed and ready to tackle the day.
You’ll be able to get a ton of books read just doing a few minutes a day. You’ll save money and save yourself some unnecessary calories. Instead of spending precious time in line at the coffee shop, use a few minutes of your morning to make your own lunch. The morning is a great time to practice yoga poses because it prepares your body and mind for the day ahead. The most accessible of these poses is Warrior II. You may come to love the smell of fresh ink just as much as that of coffee beans. It’s no surprise that Americans love coffee. Coffee isn’t breakfast. Take a few minutes to make yourself a real breakfast. Too often, the most important meal of the day starts and ends at coffee. Leaving space for ease, energy and inspiration to take into your day ahead." This calming floor pose also tones and massages the abdominal and pelvic region, which is great for stimulating digestion at the start of the day.
A stable basic pose to start your morning routine with is Hero. Empower your morning yoga flow by taking several deep breaths in Camel pose. Whether it’s going for a jog or practicing yoga at home, find an exercise routine that suits you best. A fresh cup of orange juice gives you a boost, and it’s packed with nutrients such as vitamin C, folate and potassium. During a later trip to Orange County I ran into the wife of General Ky, Madame Nguyen Cao Ky, the former Dang Tuyet Mai, at her boutique. The two of us knew each other through her husband, I just didn't know she had opened a boutique. Prioritizing sleep, incorporating mindfulness practices, exercising regularly, and planning your day are key strategies to maximize productivity. All you need are a few colored pencils and the coloring book of your choice. We all need excitement now and then to get us out of bed.